A specialist in organising sports, cultural and prestige events, C Event‘s creates solutions designed to meet your needs, for all or parts of your event, with the same commitment to excellence.
C Event‘s is the partner of international cultural and sporting events. Download our 2017 calendar.
C Event‘s is ready to meet all your event needs, including a pleasing reception staff, audio-visual equipment, stage or special lighting and sound, stands, overall installation, furnishings, floor or wall coverings, signage, tents, structures, podiums and floral decorations....
Our expertise in providing VIP welcome service guarantees you top-quality:
- C event’S has received the required ground-handling approval
- C event’S has a show-contractor license
- Our C Model‘s Agency is available to provide models (men, women, twins).
C event‘S provides services for any event format: trade shows, conventions, corporate meetings, seminars, team building, openings and inaugurations, product launches, galas, soirées and premiers, fashion shows, showrooms and weddings...
C event’S communication
SAS au capital de 10 000 euros
8, avenue de la Grande Armée, 75 017 Paris
Téléphone : 01 40 55 38 00
RCR Nanterre 507 809 622
UX Design & copyrighting
Studio Lisa May
Stéphane Kossmann → stephanekossmann.com
Web Design & Development
Philippe Courand [PCO] → pc-o.net
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The personal information on this site, or collected by means of online forms, is collected under the conditions stipulated by the French Data protection Act ("informatique et libertés" law) of January 6, 1978. Any person who has supplied this data has a right to access, modify, correct or delete their information by sending an e-mail to the webmaster.
C Event’s and C Model’s are not responsible for the content of any other site that you may access through the official website of these agencies. It is expressly understood by the user of this site that in no event shall C Event’s and C Model’s be liable for any damages whatsoever, direct or indirect, tangible or intangible or special, resulting in particular from the consultation and / or use of this website or other linked sites, such as uses of text, audio or visual information that could have been collected therein, including any financial or commercial injury, loss of programs or data in the user’s information system or any other form of loss.